Project Description
The Hollywood Community Plan area covers 25 square miles, extending south of Burbank, Glendale, and the Ventura Freeway; west of I-5; north of Melrose Avenue; and generally east of Mulholland Drive, West Hollywood, and Beverly Hills. The Hollywood Community Plan was initially adopted in 1988. The City began preparing the Plan Update and the Plan Update EIR at some point in 1998 . The City issued a Notice of Preparation on April 28, 2005, and held a public scoping meeting on May 26,10 2005. Drafts of the Plan Update were released in 2009 and 2010. The Plan Update Draft EIR (“DEIR”) was released in March 2011 for a public review period. The City released the Final EIR (“FEIR”) in October 2011, presenting responses to comment letters and revisions to portions of the DEIR. The EIR noted significant, unmitigable impacts into parks, water resources, transportation, air quality (construction and greenhouse gases), noise, and cultural resources.
Issues & Rationale
Key Issues
- The plan relies on old data concerning population, housing and growth.
- The plan is inconsistent with the City’s General Plan.
- The plan contains flawed and improper mitigations.
- The plan fails to address deficiencies in key infrastructure components including first responders.
- The HCPU was to be the blueprint for future community plans with West L.A. coming up next.
- The precedent of allowing a community plan that was inconsistent with the General Plan Framework could not stand.
- The use of theoretical, unproven and unsubstantiated mitigations set a bad precedent.
- Public safety is compromised by inadequate first responder response times.