Project Description
The Project will include 229 residential units and 65,000 square feet of commercial space. The Project will provide 494 commercial parking spaces as well as residential
parking as required in an underground garage.
Issues & Rationale
Key Issues
- Failure to accurately disclose and analyze first-responder response times.
- Failure to adhere to the Alquist Priolo requirements with regard to setback from a fault.
- Height limitation in the community plan ignored.
- Existing covenant which limits height not disclosed or addressed.
- Inconsistency with the community plan.
- Inconsistency with the general plan.
- Improper conversion of city property, failure to vacate.
- A failure to adhere to city and state laws will result in improperly approved development throughout the city.
- Public safety is compromised by inadequate first responder response times.
- Public safety is compromised by a failure to adhere to rules concerning earthquake zones.